
Florida HS censors year book photo


Well, I said my last post was it for the day, but.....

Oh my god. You should read the article above. A Florida high school principal pulled the year book photo of a female senior who was wearing a tuxedo. The school system has no formal regulations for dress code in the photos.

I think my favorite quote is from a supporter of the principal: "When uniformity is compromised, then authority no longer holds". Is Florida still in the US? Don't we support the differences among us? Sigh.

Oh, I've failed to mention the student is a lesbian, but really, that shouldn't matter at all.

gummi road kill


Ack, last one for today, I promise. Ok, who out there who has eaten Gummi bears can say that they haven't bitten the heads off of them. Have you not tried Gummi worms? There are Gummi of all variety where a common thing to do is to bite off their heads or other body parts because it looks funny. And what of Peeps chicks... so many heads have been bitten off in the name of humor. So why is this different. So what if Trolli produced some "road kill" Gummi. I thought it was funny. But sigh, the SPCA of New Jersey got upset. What's next? Are all Gummi going to have to be non-animal shaped? Sigh.


I plan on checking out the PTC website more soon, http://www.parentstv.org/, but here is an interesting article were they basically look at religion on t.v. for a one year period. Their statistics seem to show that religion is, on average, treated in a positive and negative light almost equally. But then conclude that this is not good enough since "90 percent of Americans believe in God and 80 percent of those polled believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ". So the PTC is not just trying to remove what they call smut from TV, but are trying to increase the amount of religious references, specifically Christianity, on broadcast TV.


FCC gives a good ruling? Can it be?


The FCC rejected complaints by the Parents Television Council (PTC) about the WB show Angel. Its about time we hear about the FCC rejecting one of the PTC's complaints. This is a group complains about every little hint of sex, nudity, language, and adult situations on t.v.. This group is responsible for a vast majority of the complaints the FCC receives. I wish there was a forum for the rest of America to respond to these complaints. How do we know what their complaints were? How do we respond favorably about a show to the FCC?

sex ed


A new study finds that anstinence only sex ed classes had no effect on overall teen sex rates in Texas schools. Schools with and without the program showed the same increase in rates. We were all teenagers once (unless you aren't that old yet), and we should all know that teenagers are going to think and do things despite the school telling them that its uncool. In fact, its probably more dangerous to even mention sex in the schools without safe sex education then it is to just not mention it at all. If you are going to talk about sex to teenagers, at least tell them all the options. Encourage them to wait, but at the same time teach them how to protect themselves. I could rant about this for a while, but I have work to do and I want to enjoy the weekend, so I will pick this up another time


Not much is happening

Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do

Its been a pretty slow week. Not much to be all happy about or upset about either. I could bitch about Iraq, how private accounts does nothing to fix social security, how social security does need fixing, smokers, the FCC, or any number of topics. But instead I'm just going to look forward to a nice weekend filled with sun, beach volleyball, and jambalaya. Oh, and tomorrow is sushi day! woohoo! I'm not really catholic, but I still follow lint. Odd.

Have a great weekend y'all


"The Hamdog"

I think I might have had a cardiac event just reading the description of this dish at a Georgia bar:

"The dish, a specialty of Mulligan's, a suburban bar, is a hot dog wrapped by a beef patty that's deep fried, covered with chili, cheese and onions and served on a hoagie bun. Oh yeah, it's also topped with a fried egg and two fistfuls of fries."





it feels good to yell sometimes